Portsoy Boat Festival

Two weekends ago we went to Portsoy (which is in the north east coast of Scotland) for their annual boat festival, a celebration of the sea, boats, history and folklore. There was also plenty of food and drink on offer. Portsoy has a 17th Century harbour - one of the oldest in Scotland, and much has been done to ensure the old traditions are passed on down the generations.
Tux even got to join us! He coped exceptionally well with the crowds and all the activity.
We listened to local musicians, drank local beer, enjoyed fish pie and kippers (a type of smoked fish), and watched rowing boat races. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable day!


Today Lynn took me to the east coast, just south of Aberdeen, to an area called Crawton - a spectular coastal cliff area which serves as a breeding ground to many of the sea birds found in this neck of the woods. We went with the specific goal of looking for puffins! A beautiful bird with colorful features in its beak, eyes and feet. They come to the cliffs only to breed and to rear their young. The rest of the time they are at sea. So we were fortunate to catch a glimpse before they return to the open waters. We also got to see several other types of birds with their young - but the puffins were a highlight!