Busy weekend

It is now Monday morning ... almost Monday afternoon. Catching up on things like emails, etc. and unfortunately fighting the beginnings of a cold. I blame the "warm" weather we've had here lately - it has been warm most of the time but then every once in a while a breeze picks up and I feel chilled. But I'm not going to complain (much) because all in all, it was a nice weekend and we were able to enjoy it. Played tennis Friday afternoon with Frieda - it felt really good hitting the ball. We are going to try to play again this Friday, too. I would like to get back into my tennis. There is one community tennis court here in Tarland and it sounds like a group of people play on Mondays and Thursdays, so I might check that out soon. (Since I've got this blasted running nose today, I'm going to pass on checking it out this evening.)

Saturday Lynn and I headed into Aberdeen and had a fair amount of success with our shopping. Picked up a few toiletrey items - some of the prices were a bit surprising. My contact lense solution costs close to 12 pounds - that's about double what I used to pay back home. I also signed up for an iPhone - but I still haven't set it up. I'm nervous about following the directions and downloading the UK version of iTunes on to my laptop - I don't want to wipe out all the music I have in the current USA version of iTunes. It was such a pain "reinstalling" all my iPod music when I got my new laptop 6 mos ago - I don't want to have to go through that all over again. This is the kind of challenge one faces when making a overseas move, I guess.

We also bought a barbeque! Still need to buy the gas cylinder for it before I can actually grill anything, but I'm looking forward to it. This Wednesday I'll be visiting Costco for the first time and supposedly they sell the same marinated salmon steaks that I used to buy in Tustin. Yummy. Saturday evening we enjoyed a BBQ at Caroline and Debz's house (which was on our way out of Aberdeen). It was a fairly nice evening to be eating outdoors (in Scottish terms, at least!) and the grilled chicken and corn on the cob tasted superb.

Yesterday Lynn and I played another round of golf - and this was the first time I turned in an official card with my score (107 ... not great but I've played worse). I need to turn in 3 cards before I am given a handicap. Once I have a handicap, I can start signing up for organized rounds/tournaments. That will be a good way to meet new people - not to mention hopefully improve my golf game.
The photo is actually from the weekend before but I wanted to prove to you that the sun does come out here and we can enjoy the backyard!


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