The Big Freeze

I can't believe it has been over a month since I've created a blog entry. I have had good intentions of getting something posted, but alas it has taken me coming down with a horrible flu virus to get to sit down and write this. This bug has really pounded me - I've been in bed for 4 days ... today I've at least migrated to the couch.
Anyway, this has been touted as the "Big Freeze" December here in Britain. It has been the coldest December on record - lots of snow, many days with temperatures not getting out of negative degrees Celsius, icy roads - which has translated to school closures (Lynn was at home "working" for a week straight) and all sorts of transportation issues - airports closed, trains not running, hazardous roadways, etc. Thankfully, we've pretty much been staying around home here in Tarland and have not been too adversely effected by it all.
It has all been a learning experience for me - shoveling snow, digging out snow-buried cars, clearing ice off windshields, driving on snowy roads, building wood burning fires in the fireplace - to name a few new "skills" I've acquired.
Lynn, Tux and I have been on some marvelous walks/hikes during these snowy days. I'm sharing a few of my favorite shots, so you can appreciate the beauty that comes with this "freeze". Tux doesn't seem to be fazed at all by the cold. He absolutely loves romping around in the snow and it is such a joy to watch him having so much fun!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy all the special times this season brings!


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